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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Rearview- 2007

January- Dating Amanda- that pretty much sums up the month.

February- Won Chili cook-off, Dumped Amanda, settled lawsuit, and bought Big TV

March- Went to Prague for work, Paris to get Drunk, and at the End of the month I went to KeyWest for a week on vacation.

April- met Shannon, started dating. Went to London for work. Turned 32.

May- Keels and Wheels show in Houston. Meet Carroll Shelby. Shannon has infamous 1 and 1/2 Margarita night.

June- Lost a friend to sleep apnea, visited Michigan for a funeral, and a wedding. Beach volleyball begins.

July- 4th of July with Fuzzy, and Jessie in Erie, Family reunion in San Antonio featuring "The Hallway Incident". Fuzzy's Bachelor party takes place in Pittsburgh- Hilarity ensues.

August- Fuzzy & Jessie Stag-n-Drag party- Shannon meets the gang, Shannon meets my Mum. All goes well with both meetings. Beach volleyball comes to it's end.

September- I figure out that it is ok to go watch Steelers games at the bar by myself. Fuzzy and Jessie get hitched.

October- Shannon and I move into our new apartment. the new place is bigger than my old place, but too small for our combined stuff. We have 9 months to figure out how to deal with that. Shannon gets promoted at work. Nothing doing on Halloween, I leave for Vegas.

November- I am in Vegas for the SEMA show. Hotel room is ridiculously expensive. I lose money in the casino, but then I manage to recover my lost funds at the roulette tables. I leave after breaking even. Hence: I am not a "winner", but I am also not a "loser" in Vegas. Thanksgiving spent in Michigan with Shannon's family- nice bunch of folks. Shannon's promotion is stressing her out.

December- Lots of shopping. Gave in and bought a PS3, although I refuse to become addicted. Bountiful Christmas as Shannon showered me with gifts. I only hope she is equally as pleased. We had company throughout the month, and I enjoyed hanging out with Shannon's brother Clayton. We spent Christmas with Shannon's aunt Colleen, and Uncle Joe, and their daughter Elizabeth. Good times were had by all. Clayton returned on Dec. 28th to stick around through NewYears, and we ended the year quietly at home with family and friends in our cramped little apartment.

So that was 07- Not a bad year in all. I liked the travel, and there were a few little adventures to report here with more grandiose, and spediferous detail. Stay tuned. I might just tell the one about that time I went sleepwalking in San Antonio...

For the year to come? We are going to Houston this month, there is a Chili cookoff championship to defend in February, and we are going to Barcelona, and Copenhagen in March. In April i turn 33, and god knows what will happen if we end up going to Mexico in May. 08 is shaping up to be another big year. I hope you will come along for the ride!

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