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Monday, January 7, 2008

My Desert Isle... Needs vs Wants

What would you like to have if you were stranded on a Desert Island? This is a popular question people ask each other. Most people take it as an opportunity to discuss their favorite things- music, art- What could you be alone with for the rest of your life...
But people aren't practical- they dont consider things like the fact that they will reach the end of that book, or the painting they love won't shelter them from a tropical depression. you will eventually run out of booze, and your Wii isn't any good without electricity. This is a deserted island people, as in uninhabited.
In fact most people who answer this way are thinking about what they would do if they were to be a hermit in their apartment for a weekend, not doomed to an eternity of lonliness after being cast away upon some uninhabited rock. Secured in their solitude by the deep blue vastness of ocean. What would you like to have in order to insure your survival? A fucking CD? Are you serious?

In the name of practicality I would normally say "satalite phone, case of Yeungling, and a flare gun" but that answer is uninteresting and reveals little about me other than that I am practical, and I try to come prepared. this is a blog. I gotta keep it interesting.

First thing you have to know is that I am THE man you want with you on a desert island. I spent 81 days in the desert when I was 15- two weeks of which were spent "solo". I can start fires with friction, fish with a spear, and interpret the impending weather conditions. I have made stone tools, and found fresh water in the desert. I am not trying to brag, and I am not trying to say that I would definently survive- but I am WAY ahead of the next guy as far as experience, therefore my chances of welfare on a desert island are far greater than his.

If we are talking survival equipment- I am taking one of those big swiss army knives that has all the stuff in it- knife, fork, spoon, and most importantly- magnifying glass. I would also take about 300 sq ft of blue tarp- you can build an awesome shelter with blue tarp. For my third object I would bring a big pot to use to boil water over the fire I started with my magnifying glass, and cook the fish I caught using the tackle I wittled with the knife. During the day I would lounge beneath my blue tarp shelter and try to recreate some of the conveniences I am so accustomed to- things like furniture, and storage. I would also use a solar evaporation method to reduce salt water to salt for use as a seasoning agent, and also as a preservative for the meat I captured.

Hopefully my desert island would have some vegetation I could use to construct a frame for my tarp shelter, but in a worst case scenario I could just dig out a hole and use the tarp to cover it.

So there- I have it covered for you- food, water, shelter, fire

That is what you NEED people- not a play list on your fucking Ipod.

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