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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Makin Chili Bitches...

As I get older I have become fascinated with annual events. The gathering of friends at designated times of the year to indulge in friendly competition. One of those annual events is "The Chili Cook-Off"- sponsored by my friend Fuzzy, and His Wife, whom I will refer to as Mrs. Fuxxy (an inside joke that I can't really explain, and have it seem funny to an outsider).

Last year I introduced the world to Cobra- a unique chili creation. I talked a lot of shit about my culinary skill, and it was warranted: I won the overall competition at the Second Annual Chili Cook-Off.
For the past year, the coveted Blue Ribbon has resided upon my kitchen wall, and as this years competition swiftly approaches I feel compelled to up my game. This is largely due to the fact that I emerged victorious from the vacuum created by the fact that the previous years cook-off champion did not compete. Captain Dogg, and his notorious chili- (good stuff to be sure) was the overall winner the first year, but the Captain could not be present during the second cook-off due to a sad loss of a loved one, and a need to travel to be with the family.
As a result, my championship defense maintains an element of under-dog status. the Paper Champion vs. The Salty Vet. Can I emerge victorious, and justify my previous accomplishment, or will I fade, and drop tears in my beer like Drew has for the past two events...

Here are the Catagories-

1. Best in Show (overall award for plating and presentation)
2. Chili with the most HEART-INESS (Best use of the Bean)
3. Prettiest Crockpot (a competition favorite)
4. Five Alarm (which chili is too hot to handle?)
5. Most Innovational (best use of artistic licensewith a focus on the ingredients chosen)
6. Best Variation on a Chili (a non-beef category)
7. BEST OVERALL FLAVOR (The Blue Ribbon Category!!!)

I am shooting to ace catagories 1,2,3,5, and 7, although I think under the rules I can only win one.

I began this odyssey by taking on a partner. Shananigans is my willing compatriot. I decided to alter my approach to Chili cook-off success. I may have won last year, but a warrior never comes at you the same way twice, so I need to alter my game.

We are going with a Fresh is Better approach- and my pre-game preparation began last night.

Presentation plan? Check
Hearty base? Check
Reliable spice? Check
Girlfriend decorating the crockpot according to Blue Ribbon / Cobra Theme? Check
Secret ingredient? Check
Taste? Me Thinks so...

We shall see how this all pans out in next weeks entry.

Wish me luck!

[Edit to name result 2/4]

We won "Most Heart-iness"- and I think a 3rd overall in taste. Tatters is the new champ- my hat is off to him, his contender was very tasty.

I am already thinking about next year... What can I do with booze?

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