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Monday, July 21, 2008

Complaint to the TSA

I did something today I have not done before- I sent in a letter of complaint. i didn't do it to be petty, or because I felt like someone had wronged me. I did it because I was alarmed to the point of concern. Read what I wrote and see if you agree...

Date 7/20/2008 Time: approx 11:45am BUF (Buffalo Niagara International)

I had an experience yesterday that at first thought seemed a bit off, but the more I think about it, the more disturbed it makes me. I am concerned about the vigilance of the TSA staff at the BUF terminal.

When I went through the TSA security checkpoint to head out into the terminal I handed my ticket stub to the attendant and then reached back for my wallet- before I can fish out my wallet she looks down at the ticket, initials it, and then hands it back to me- I thought she was supposed to be comparing the information from my ID to the ticket. I handed her back my ticket, and this time- my ID. She got all red and said something about getting her in trouble, but then verified the info and let me pass. I was the only person in the line, so I put my carry on bag on the treadmill, and started putting all my stuff (belt, hat, wallet, keys ect.) into a grey bin. I push the bin onto the belt and step over to the metal detector. The attendant barely looked at me, as she was entrenched in conversation with a coworker about how many red bulls she drank that morning. She just waved me through. The detector didn't alarm (I travel a lot, and know what not to carry). Once past the metal detector I stepped over to the receiving end of the conveyor belt for the baggage scan. My bag was held up due to all the empty grey bins that had been left on the rollers. The guy sitting at the scanner was still talking to metal detector girl about her red bull consumption and didn’t say a word, he just left the belt running and my bag was held in place by the accumulated bins on the roller area.
I looked down toward the end of the rollers, and 4 more TSA people were gathered in conversation, and paying no mind to the traffic jam that was holding up my bag. I started grabbing bins and stacking them so my bag could come off the conveyor, and once my bag, and bin came through I started putting my belt, hat, and sandals back on. At no point did any of the TSA employees bother looking at me, or assisting me with stacking the bins. I was a little stunned.

I started to wonder if any of them were paying attention to anything that was going on at their station. Based on the fact that there wasn’t really anyone in front of, or behind me it must have taken some time for the bin jam up to take place. I put my bag over my shoulder and moved on.

So my question is this- is that the SOP for the TSA staff at that terminal? I couldn't tell you if anyone scrutinized my bag as it came through the scanner, and I can assure you that a review of surveilance tape will show exactly what I have described.

I have flown many times post 9/11, and I have never seen such lax security at any of the airports I have traveled through. This caused me some concern considering the orange level of alert.

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