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Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I was recently involved in a discussion where the idea of "reparations" to the black citizens of the United States was being called for. For the uninitiated (as I was prior to this conversation) The concept of "reparations" is a calling for compensation for every black citizen of the US for being descendant from persons subjected to the atrocity of Slavery. Depending on who you speak to- the total amounts "owed" to descendants of slaves equates to hundreds of billions, or even trillions of US dollars depending on the math used. Proposals discussed to disperse these funds range from payments to individuals, to investment in black community resources, and education. The gentleman I spoke to seemed to favor the first option- it was like he was waiting to cash in his lottery ticket any day since America has now elected our first (partially) Black President.

I hope he isn't holding his breath. Unless you are a bank, or an auto manufacturer, I highly doubt the US Gov. is going to be dispersing funds any time soon.

Here is why-

Slavery was a terrible thing, but it has been abolished for well over a century now. The population matrix has been highly diluted since that time by tax payers who immigrated to this country after the civil war, and never owned a slave, or benefitted in any way from slavery. Why should they be held liable?

Approximately 25 million immigrants arrived between 1866 and 1915 (this is post Civil War for the history challenged). The descendants of those 25 million had no participation in Slavery, and should be excluded from ownership of debt incurred for the activity. People of all races pay taxes, if funds are to be federally dispersed to individuals then how do you prevent the innocent from being penalized?

I pointed this out to the man I was speaking with, as food for thought, and I left him with a final question: When do you move on, and quit judging others by the color of their skin?

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