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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Eat it or Wear it- a personal vent...

Man, sometimes it just seems like the rug is getting pulled out from under me. This is a big time in my life, I just got married, I have a kid on the way- and everything feels like it is ready to fall apart at a moments notice.
After working so hard through my late twenties to minimize my debt structure in an effort to facilitate being a "grown up" I have found myself awash in the fear and uncertainty I swore to myself I would never experience again.
I own my car
I have minimal unsecured personal debt
I have a good job

I am making more money than ever before in my life, but it just isn't enough.
It isn't enough to overcome my wifes debts now that she is earning a 3rd of what she used to.
It isn't enough to cover the move into a larger apartment
It isn't enough to cover the rent on a bigger apartment- an amount which could have paid the mortgage on a 3 bedroom home in Texas. Now I just need a second bedroom, and I am coming up short.

I am exasperated

Add to that- my company is in a state of flux. The CEO was just forced to step down, and trading of our stock is suspended pending confirmation of last years revenues- Translation: The banks are pissed because they think our management cooked the books, and now they asked the majority shareholder to step down from his management position while they figure out if we are solvent or not. None of this is particularly reassuring given that my wife and I are expecting, and she is dependant on my health insurance for both the pregnancy, and an issue with "nodules" on her thyroid. If I lose my job, we are going to have to commit to a COBRA, the cost of which will consume my unemployment allowance...

But wait- there is more!

My wife has a 72 month loan on a car that is out of warranty and worth a 3rd of the loan value. We don't need two cars, and cutting one loose would cut our monthly liabilities but trading in my paid for and reliable vehicle in conjunction with hers would still leave us 3 grand upside down going into a newer vehicle. That equates to a larger payment than the one we are currently shouldering for the Dodge + my $100 per month garage payment + the additional insurance I pay for the second vehicle. We wouldn't save, so it isn't worth it.

I would sell my car outright and just put the cash on ice, but my 99 Accord is the better of the two vehicles. Imagine that. A 1999 Honda with 108k on the clock is actually more reliable, and worth more on trade-in than a 2006 Dodge. Unfortunately that doesn't equate to being enough to overcome the staggering depreciation of said Dodge. Eat it, or wear it.

For the first time since I was 21 I have to seriously consider asking my folks for help, and I am ashamed that my decisions have brought me to this.

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