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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Envy & Schadenfreude

Ever want something so badly that you end up hating someone who already has it?

Bertrand Russell said envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness. It is a universal and most unfortunate aspect of human nature because not only is the envious person rendered unhappy by his envy, but also wishes to inflict misfortune on others.

Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. This German word is used as a loanword in English and sometimes in other languages.

Often driven by envy...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Trial on the dial AKA: Hung by the court of public opinion

OK, so this happened in Chicago, and it was HUGE news.

Drew Peterson is a 55 yr old former Police officer from Bolingbrook IL. His very young (23 yr old) 4th wife disappeared without a trace in October of 2007.

Since that event, this guy has been subjected to just about every kind of scrutiny you can imagine- he is currently incarcerated awaiting trial for the "murder" of his 3rd wife Kathleen Savio after an HBO forensic pathologist determined the woman was drowned after a struggle, and placed in a bathtub.

I realize we can all watch CSI and be amazed by how "science" can solve crimes, but most police I have spoken to readily admit that the vast majority of crimes are still solved by good old fashioned detective work like what you see on shows like The First 48

This one is pretty stretched- they examined her body after several years of decomposition to make this determination. I think it is fantasy, yet this man is rotting in a cell.

So why bring this up? Well, I have remained intrigued with the case since it first broke. What has intrigued me most is not necessarily the human drama of a missing persons case, nor the morbid fascination with murder.

what intrigues me most is that this man has already been tried and found guilty in the court of public opinion, and the infotainment media outlets of our society.

Case in point- Nancy Grace- CNN correspondent, and several local media outlets have made statements to the effect that Staci is dead (unproven) Drew killed her (unproven)

So this goes on in the back of my mind- What if he didn't kill her? What if she ran off with another man as Drew has suggested?

Well Nancy Grace has a damn fine track record of being wrong


So it is entirely possible she is AGAIN miscarrying "justice" based on her own flawed instincts, and Drew Peterson is just the latest victim.

What brings this to mind is that i just saw the following on CNN- it is a story of cases throughout history where a person was tried and convicted of murder (sometimes at the cost of their lives) and then their "victim" has turned up alive at a later date.


Interesting food for thought. curious about your opinions.

Also I wonder- Would a grand jury be as likely to believe media Dr. Baden that the exhumation, and autopsy of Kathleen Savio was justified, and that the evidence is sufficient for indictment if Staci were to turn up alive tomorrow...