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Monday, December 15, 2008


OK, so I am a Daddy now. Little Lila was born 11/25 and I am learning that my life as I knew it is over, and I am now reborn as "Daddy". This isn't a problem really. Actually, I like the new found feeling of importance in the lives of my little one, and my beloved wife.
One thing that has struck me is the thought of things I tried, but did not succeed at. I am thinking of some of my capricious youth, and dreams of fame fortune- rock stardom. When I was 17 I bought my first guitar. It was a burgundy Les Paul knock off that I thought looked like Slash's from Guns N' Roses. I brought home my new (very used) guitar with the idea I would learn to play it, and join my friend Sam's band SYZ. I took the guitar to his house and plugged it in, then I tried to "figure it out", but to no avail. The guitar as it turned out would not come "naturally" to me, even though I had spent countless hours watching Mtv and emulating Kirk Hammet, Dave Mustane, and Slash on air guitar I had not learned any chops, and thus stood before my bandmates as nothing more than a fraud. That was ok though, because they were frauds too! Well, everyone except the drummer- he actually played in the marching band, and knew his way around a drum kit. I was then self demoted to "manager" (which meant I was friends with a bunch of guys who gathered together in the basement to wail on instruments). Unfortunately this meant I was not "in the band". Instead I was "with the band" which would never land me anywhere closer to the vacinity of a girls underpants. Lets face it, that is what being in a band when you are 17 is all about.
I took it upon myself to master my new guitar. After all, those drugged out guys in the bands I saw on Mtv could do it- Why the hell couldn't I? I took exactly 2 lessons before I gave it up.

Later I sold that guitar and bought a Fender short neck Bass- 4 strings are easier than 6 right?
Eventually the Bass got sold as well. I accepted defeat. I was not going to be in a band. Don't pity me just yet though. I did have a car, and I discovered that even an 86 Ford tempo can get you laid under the right circumstances. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king... but I digress.

At age 32 I decided it was guitar time again. I believe this delusion resurfaced after mastering the medium difficulty level on Rock Band. I went out and spent $150 on an electric guitar, a book with a DVD, and a neat little plug in thing that allows me to use my headphones as an amp. This way I could play twinkle twinkle little star to my hearts content and my wife would have nothing to complain about.

Then a bunch of shit happened. Life got in the way yadda yada yada- I never sat down to learn to play. So my new (used) guitar has sat in a corner for many months neglected. Sad story. And then I discovered guitar books. I have been reading detailed histories of guitars. Trying to get a feel for how they work. I suppose this is a way of working my way up to making another attept aqt learning to operate the instrument.

We will see...